In What’s Your Sign? I was commissioned by the Arlington Art Truck (a project curated by Cynthia Connolly for Arlington Cultural Affairs) to create 12 different sign prints about daily life, consumption and the environment. These signs provided useful, funny and odd reminders, questioning how we engage in the public spaces that we encounter every day. Over the course of one week, the Truck set up at 7 different locations, displaying signs, distributing free prints and setting up a sign making and coloring station. In that week we engaged with over 1200 people around the county.
The project was in partnership with Arlington County’s Waste Management Department, and to be as eco friendly as possible (while still creating prints to be given away) the prints were printed on 100% post consume waste paper and not bleached.
All photos above by Paul Shortt.
All photos above by Elman Studio Llc. for Arlington Arts.